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 Turn Out Socks will enhance any practice session, whether it be at class or at home. The designs are easy to spot in a mirror: if you cannot see the design then you aren't turning out enough!


​Turn Out Socks! are available for all dancers. Simply put on the sock with the design on the inside of the leg, make sure you can see the dancer in the mirror while you practice, and voila! Turn out!


Socks are sold in both boy and girl designs and are available in both kid and adult sizes. Personalization is available (school/group/event logo) for group orders of 36+. We offer promotional/bulk prices to help fundraise. Contact us for more details!


Designed by TCRG Meghan Lucey to help her dancers work on their turn out."We tried stickers, but they kept falling off and getting stuck to the floor. It was a pain to clean up, and dancers forgot to take the stickers off for performances and competitions! These socks are always ready to help dancers turn out and they are really fun to practice in!" - Meghan


Parents love Turn Out Socks! because it is an easy way to help their dancer practice at home!

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 More designs

coming soon!

The Socks!

More designs coming soon...

Disclaimer: These socks are not scientifically proven, nor doctor endorsed, to improve turn out. These are intended purely for a creative, fun way to enhance practicing and to help work on turn out skills. We take no responsibility for use of the sock to the extreme and are in no way responsible for any injuries using these socks may incur. If you experience any pain please stop and make sure you are practicing properly; always listen to your teacher and ask them for help and advice. Make sure the design isn't too far back on the leg, twist the sock more towards the front to avoid excessive turn out!

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